
MELLFIN Scholarship Program

The MELLFIN Scholarships are annual scholarship awards for current or former ESOL students in Maryland who are currently seniors in high school and have demonstrated a commitment to attend college or a post-secondary career training program.  

The Scholarship

MELLFIN is facilitating multiple scholarship awards to recognize excellence and support students in realizing their post-secondary aspirations.  The total award for each student recipient will be $1,000 to help cover costs associated with post-secondary program attendance.  Multiple scholarships will be available.

Eligible students must:

  • currently be enrolled and classified as a senior in Maryland Public Schools
  • currently be in an ESOL program or have exited the ESOL program within the past three (3) years
  • currently have a GPA of 3.0 or better
  • be on track to graduate in Spring 2025

Additionally, student applicants from Howard County Public Schools will be considered for one Bethel Presbyterian Church Scholarship facilitated in collaboration with MELLFIN.

Completed application packets must be submitted online.

2025 Scholarship applications are due on Friday, February 7, 2025.

Past Recipients


Liyana Hadera
Han Memorial Scholarship
Spring Brook High School
Montgomery County Public Schools
Reina Mena Rivas
MELLFIN Scholarship
Albert Einstein High School
Montgomery County Public Schools
Dalmi Mendoza Velasquez
MELLFIN Scholarship
St. Michaels High School
Talbot County Public Schools
Wendy Cabrera Tomas
Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church Scholarship
Wilde Lake High School
Howard County Public Schools
Marilyn Rodriguez Franco
Rah Memorial Scholarship
International High School
Prince George's County Public Schools
Seongeun Moon
One Mind, One Faith, One Mission Scholarship (By Dr. Yi Family)
James M. Bennett High School
Wicomico County Public Schools
Hyunji Kim
Asian American Center of Frederick Scholarship
Leonardtown High School
St. Mary's County Public Schools
Omar Alexander Romero Hernandez
Mary Gable Scholarship
John F. Kennedy High School
Montgomery County Public Schools
Marina Fahmy
Audio Resource Group (ARG) Scholarship
Century High School
Carroll County Public Schools


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Jason Zhao
John Nelson Parent Involvement Matters Award
Howard County
Jimin An
Rah Memorial Scholarship
Marriotts Ridge High School
Howard County
Kevin Guzman Quintanilla
Montserrat Garibay Scholarship
Arundel High School
Anne Arundel County
Diya Jha
Han Memorial Scholarship
Governor Thomas Johnson High School
Frederick County
Esly Soto Alvarez
MELLFIN Scholarship
Arundel High School
Anne Arundel County
Denia Gissel Chicas Ayala
Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church Scholarship
Wilde Lake High School
Howard County
Luisanni Delgado Del Rosario Albert
Audio Resource Group (ARG) Scholarship
Einstein High School
Montgomery County


Yarivel Mazariegos-Bartolon
Rah Memorial Scholarship
St. Michael's Middle/High School
Talbot County
Onome Million
Han Memorial Scholarship
Old Mill High School
Anne Arundel County
Neila Henrice
MELLFIN Scholarship
Wicomico High School
Wicomico County
Ariely Coral Betancourt Guerrero
MELLFIN Scholarship
Mount Hebron High School
Howard County
Man Hui
Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church Scholarship
Hammond High School
Howard County


Xenia Guadalupe Diaz Romero
MELLFIN Scholarship
International High School,
Prince George's County Public Schools
Judith Nayeli Menjivar Morales
Rah Memorial Scholarship
Annapolis High School,
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Javier Enrique Orellana Ostorga
Han Memorial Scholarship
Annapolis High School,
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Sa Rang Han
Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church Scholarship
Centennial High School,
Howard County Public Schools


Azqa Asad
MELLFIN Scholarship
Easton High School
Talbot County Public Schools
Mengning Li
Han Memorial Scholarship
Arundel High School
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Zung Lung Myitung
Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church Scholarship
Hammond High School
Howard County Public Schools


Maria Lopez Gomez
John Nelson Parent Involvement Matters Award
Queen Anne's County Public Schools
Zawn Nyaui
St. John United Church Scholarship
Hammond High School
Howard County
Eva Yakoub
Han Memorial Scholarship
Old Mill High School
Anne Arundel County
Melissa Lin
MELLFIN Scholarship
Leonardtown High School
St. Mary's County
Ciby Lin
MELLFIN Scholarship
Leonardtown High School
St. Mary's County
Pedro Alonso Granada
MELLFIN Scholarship
Old Mill High School
Anne Arundel County
Yaya Ahmed Adam Diabagate
Exit Flagship Realty Scholarship
International High School at Langley Park
Prince George's County
Haram Chun
Bethel Korean Presbyterian Church Scholarship
Mount Hebron High School
Howard County
Lily Jeannette Mancia Gomez
Astrid Emily Francis Scholarship
Digital Harbor High School
Baltimore City


Gulnara Gelashvilli
John Nelson Parent Involvement Matters Award
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
German Alfredo Paredes Hernandez
St. John United Church Scholarship
Hammond High School
Howard County
Shine Nao Mi
St. John United Church Scholarship
Hammond High School
Howard County
Eunyeong Joo
Hanseul Kang Scholarship
Maurice J. McDonough High School
Charles County
Cheng Han (Hank) Wu
Han Memorial Scholarship
Walt Whitman High School
Montgomery County
Katherine Arrue
MELLFIN Scholarship
Annapolis High School
Anne Arundel County
Baudratte Djiogo
Dr. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa Scholarship
Digital Harbor High School
Baltimore City


Maria Rodriguez
John Nelson Parent Involvement Matters Award
Frederick County Public Schools
Luis Castellanos Galindo
St. John United Church Scholarship
Mt. Hebron High School
Howard County
Amin Attaril
St. John United Church Scholarship
Mt. Hebron High School
Howard County
Swati Singh
MELLFIN Scholarship
Calvert County Public Schools
Somayyeh Kamyab
Hena Kahn Scholarship Award
Walt Whitman High School
Montgomery County
Seohwa Kim
Han Memorial Scholarship
Bethesda Chevy Chase High School
Montgomery County
Exel Estrada
Dr. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa Scholarship
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
Baltimore City


Mujeres Abriendo Caminos (Women Opening Doors)
John Nelson Parent Involvement Matters Award
Anne Arundel County
Ana-Karen Piña Rico
St. John United Church Scholarship
Long Reach High School
Howard County
Junseok Oh
St. John United Church Scholarship
Mt. Hebron High School
Howard County
Gabriela Beatriz Arias
Sonia Nazario Scholarship Award
Glen Burnie High School
Anne Arundel County
Elshadaye Gebreyesus
Mawi Asgedom Scholarship Award
Northwestern High School
Prince George's County
Karen Mellisa Diaz
MELLFIN Scholarship
Gaithersburg High School
Montgomery County
Yuwei Tang
Dr. Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa Scholarship
Walt Whitman High School
Montgomery County